Baruch Samuel Blumberg - traduction vers français
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Baruch Samuel Blumberg - traduction vers français

Baruch Samuel Blumberg         
Baruch Samuel Blumberg (born 1925), US physician and biochemist, winner of 1976 Nobel prize for medicine or physiology together with Daniel Carleton Gajdusek
Daniel Carleton Gajdusek         
Daniel Carleton Gajdusek (born 1923), US virologist who worked in the United States Iran and Australia studying infectious diseases, winner of 1976 Nobel prize for medicine or physiology together, with Baruch Samuel Blumberg


Sam Browne
¦ noun a leather belt with a supporting strap that passes over the right shoulder, worn by army and police officers.
early 20th cent.: named after the British military commander Sir Samuel J. Brown(e).


Baruch Samuel Blumberg
Baruch Samuel Blumberg, né le à New York et mort le à Mountain View en Californie, est un scientifique américain récompensé par le prix Nobel de physiologie ou médecine en 1976 pour la découverte concernant de nouveaux mécanismes expliquant l'origine et la dissémination des maladies infectieuses.